If the world knows anything about California’s southern San Joaquin Valley, it probably involves agriculture, oil production, or air pollution, not its literary journals.  Rabid Oak likes to go against the grain.

Who are we?

shelby photo

Shelby Pinkham is a queer, Chicanx poet who has called three Central Valley cities her home: Bakersfield, Stockton, and Fresno. Having earned her poetry MFA at Fresno State, she has served as an assistant editor for The Normal School literary magazine and as an editorial assistant for the Philip Levine Prize for Poetry book contest. Her work can be found in the first issue of bee house journal and is forthcoming in [Pank].


Austin Yi takes and is taken by photographs. In addition to acting as part of Bakersfield’s “Stories on the Sidewalk,” his work graced the cover and pages of the anthology Writing Sound.

Matthew Woodman

When he isn’t saving hummingbirds that have gotten stuck in the skylight, Matthew Woodman teaches writing at California State University, Bakersfield.  His poetry collection This Is Not Your Moon was published in 2020, and more of his writing can be found at http://www.matthewwoodman.com.